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Migration Siberian

The server migration service is a more complex process because we take greater care of the customer data and the entire process is more time-consuming.

The migration process begins with these steps.

First, we set up the entire target server with all the requirements and tests performed as done in clean installations (without backups).
After all the tests and started a schedule plan to perform the backup of the old server platform to the new.

It is important to notify customers about server / maintenance changes. For there will be a DNS propagation time in all World IP zones, so there may be differences between 100% propagation.

– Backup of data

Only then does the old server backup to the new one. This process also depends on the amount of data stored. But that usually a 15GB backup, it takes an average of 3 hours to be all set up and running on the new server.


  • Best system and Linux version
  • Plesk panel installation (most recommended)
  • Setting up the production environment
  • Installing all required libraries and libraries (OptiPNG, JpegOptim, PNGQuant, ClamAV, lib32stdc, JAVA)
  • Platform installation
  • APK generation tests (IOS and Android APK)
  • SMTP Configuration
  • Server delivery installed and configured
  • Firewall Install

Service time
The installation and configuration time is approximately 3 hours for the total delivery of the server tested and working.

What do I need to start the service?
For the setup-only service, we only need the IP and root password of the server.




Migration Siberian


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