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Install Siberian CMS PE

Our Siberian platform installation service is a full service information and availability.

We analyze your business vision and the future to choose the best and most suitable for each type of business.

Choice of suitable server

  • Best system and Linux version
  • Plesk panel installation (most recommended)
  • Setting up the production environment
  • Installing all required libraries and libraries
  • Platform installation
  • APK generation tests (IOS and Android APK)
  • SMTP Configuration
  • Server delivery installed and configured
  • Firewall Install

Service time
The installation and configuration time is approximately 3 hours for the total delivery of the server tested and working.

What do I need to start the service?
For the setup-only service, we only need the IP and root password of the server.


Install Siberian CMS PE

Suitable for platforms with more than 50 GB of used space.


Do you look for a backup solution?

We introduce you to Backup Cloud Plata Siberian

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